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Tag: reactjs

How to count idle time only for one component in the page?

How to use “react-idle-timer” for calculating idle time on a component. I don’t want to count the idle time for the whole page, instead I want to count the idle time only for one component on the page( in my case I build a chatbot. So I want to count the time that I’m not using the chatbot while doing

updating state with new state in redux

i want to make a request to my php page to retrieve data until the page is loaded. i made this request with axios’ this request is successful “. i want to change state in store “the state tank is successful but the change is no”. I found an error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘props’ of undefined, at ‘componentDidMount handle

how to reverse fetch images from nasa APOD api in react

** I fetched content from API with this code** and output of this code is like this and I want Button here with next and then that will show previous day images so can anyone tell me how to reverse that means after clicking on the next button by reversing the previous day images will show because NASA APOD(astronomy picture

Changing the attribute cx and cy when screen resize in D3.js with React

I have a problem with the dynamic change of cx and cy attributes depending on the size of window.innerHeight/window.innerWidth. I am sending to component window.innerHeight/window.innerWidth as hight/width and it look like this: this is bubble-chart-svg css class: When I add console.log(xScale(4)) in I get information about the new position cx (after resize) but circle element in svg does not change.

How to filter by id?

I want to filter stories by ids. I have tried to use .filter method but it is showing me empty array [] Answer You have a few issues: You’re using .story_id when your object is using id You’re trying to check if a number is equal to the array id, this won’t work. Instead, you can use .includes() method on
