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Tag: reactjs

How to filter an incoming prop in React?

I’m trying to build a search bar using hooks but the props that I pass into my functional component gives me error and the output is never loaded. I pass the opt props from options.js to Filter.js. Here’s the code: Options.js Filter.js Answer In you Filter.js you are mapping directly the props.opt. This doesn’t change when you do the filter.

function is declared but its value is never read : React

I am new to Reactjs so forgive me if this is lame. I am following the Reactjs docs for learning React and during the self implementation of exercise in components and props. And I encountered following weird behaviour: In the ‘Comment’ function <UserInfo ../> tag is working fine but <commentText ../> and <commentDate ../> is not working and for their

Call function in parent component without using props

I have a an App component that renders a CustomerForm component like so: App.js In my CustomerForm component, I have an onSubmit function that is called when the form submits: CustomerForm.js When I render the CustomerForm component from the App component, I realize that I could pass a reference to logout via a prop, however, my application is much larger

How can I make my animate.css animation loop forever?

How can I make my animate.css animation last forever? I tried to use animationIterationCount = “infinite”. However, this doesn’t seem to have worked. This is the plugin I’m using. import { Flash } from ‘animate-css-styled-components’; Thank you! Answer you’d need to use iterationCount as the prop. And ensure you have styled-component installed.

Adding style guide to next.js (react) returns Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,

I just started learning next.js and I wanted to add some documentation using I created my project using npx create-next-app After installing it, and adding some configuration I’m getting the following error when trying to run it using the following command: npx styleguidist server (Note that I have replaced the project path for “${projectPath}”) And I’m at a loss

React, setInterval behavior

Code Sample: The code has two buttons – Start and Stop. Start calls a setInterval and saves interval id. Timer set to 1 second (1000 ms). Stop calls a clearInterval on the interval id. The interval id is declared outside the component. The interval callback function increments a counter and appends a called message to the UI. When I

How to pass data in body in get type Api in react.js?

I am trying to pass data in body of get type Api in react.js app. I am using the following code. But Api doesn’t get any data. Answer Adding on what @Jayna commented, you can’t send a body with a get request. You may do it on Postman and generate the axios code for it, but it won’t work due
