I built an application by using create-react-app, react-redux, react-router-dom, and material UI. The app uses Fetch API for http requests. It’s working in Chrome, but in Safari I get the error below. ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: AudioContext app link: https://app.evewellness.ir/ Answer You got a message in Safari console about AudioContext: “ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: AudioContext”. Check this I guess it
Tag: react-redux
React | JavaScript : Need to compare two objects
Objective: I need to check if the form has been edited by the user or not. If yes, then I will call the axios.put() function. Issue: Since in JS, obj1 = { name: “John “} !== obj2 = { name: “John” } I am looking for a better way to compare two objects. My way(seems inefficient) : I would really
Reactjs – Get Height of a div/image using React Hooks
I want to get Height of an image in a react functional component using react hooks. I have used below code: The problem with this is that it returns the clientHeight as 0 but console.log in useEffect has the correct clientHeight as shown in below pic. This means that ref && ref.current && ref.current.clientHeight is not defined when called but
events.js 167 error in React Installation
I am trying to setup react in my PC. I have completed downloading the reacr modules and am starting to run through local server and these errors occur to me. I know it’s simple error for local server and tried to open the index.html file manually then it didnot show the react logo but instead showed something like this. Please
One react app imported into another react app?
Is it possible to import one React app(built using create-react-app) into another completely different React app. We all have imported components in our SPA, but is it possible to import a different app entirely? If so how? Furthermore, both these react apps MIGHT share a few similar dependencies/files/libraries.. such as bootstrap/css/Redux stores/etc. Also, with a possibility of a few common
How do you dispatch an action along with a DOM event?
I’m picking up working with react and redux, while handling state locally I am able to pass events along with onChange handlers so as to access the value with event.target.value and set them to state. Unfortunately, I am unable to pass the event to MapDispatchToProps I have tried passing the event along with the prop assigned to the onChange handler
React Native FlatList with custom buttons, how to change color on click?
I have created a FlatList that renders names. Each row has its own button. When you click the button, the name is added to a list and the button should change color My problem is that the button does not change color as soon as I click on it, it only changes color when I make a pull refresh on
How to fetch .json data from URL?
I have problem with fetching data from URL. When I write data inside of a file, app works great, but when I try to call same data from URL, I get error. I made a test with small app where everything was inside of a App.js file, and it worked. But new app is kinda devided in multiple files, and
Configure devToolsExtension and applyMiddleware() inside the React-Redux Store
I am unable to figure out the exact way to use devToolsExtension and middleware at the same time in the redux store. Below is my code for the redux store. As createStore() takes 3 arguments. Before applying middleware thunk I was using it as the below code which works fine for me. Now, I need to use devToolsExtension as well
How i can save the toggle state and don’t lose after refresh the page
hello my project is done mostly from react and redux, i am buliding app in this app there is toggle when is on its sync the data to the calendar, and i want it to stay it toggle even after refresh the page. here is some code and here after return is there away to save the state taggle other