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Tag: react-redux

updating state with new state in redux

i want to make a request to my php page to retrieve data until the page is loaded. i made this request with axios’ this request is successful “. i want to change state in store “the state tank is successful but the change is no”. I found an error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘props’ of undefined, at ‘componentDidMount handle

get data from dropdown for dynamic call api

So I use redux-hooks for state management, so in my application there is a dropdown, the value will be used to call api dynamically, in the action creator I made it like this but i got this error how to get the value from the dropdown so that it can be entered into the action creator? is it possible? sorry

React map how to remove empty elements?

I have objects, some of these objects have different properties when the map renders empty elements for me How can I remove these empty elements? maybe you need to use filter or something else? JavaScript_Lessons_Objects.js Lesson.jsx I think the problem is clear when I added to the heading object: [<div> <span className = {jsStyle.title}> JSON OBJECTS </span> </div>], I

How can we get/rerender async data in ANT D Column

I need to fetch the data from ant d table column using the text in the column and rerender the result but my code isn’t working it this possible ? no data is being displayed Answer You can consider storing the entire column data into the component state. Then let the async function modify that state, so when the promise

React Hook – multiple “useEffect” fires at componentDidMount

I’m using multiple useEffect hooks to perform the componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate functionalities, however, looks like when component loads, all my useEffect fires initially… when my component mounts, I see all those console log there How could I only let my first useEffect fires, but the other three fires when the dependency changes only? Answer useEffect is not a direct replacement

items not being displayed on table

I’ve been trying to create this search app where I can display the items in a table and delete items using react redux. However, on the initial load, the app shows a table but there is no data in the table. It’s an empty table. If i search for another movie name which have more than one movie for that
