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Tag: razor

Cannot Move Divs in Blazor

I have a Blazor Server App with the following DIV tags I attempted to set the Height, Width, and X/Y coordinates using the code samples from this page – but that never worked and simply threw an uncaught exception no matter where I placed Try… blocks. I then moved to a more straightforward JS call: If I make this

Prevent string to become number in javascript

I have a string 100-10-0 in my MVC model. I have to pass this string to a javascript function on an HTML button click. My code is: @Model.BarCode has the value “100-10-0”. My javascript function is: Problem here is that when barcode comes to javascript method as parameter it is converted to number and the minus operator is applied on

Looping an SQL statement on razor

Attempted to create a ‘cart’ which holds selected items by the user but upon form completion, all the data from the ‘cart’ is inserted into one row Example: How do I separate the data into a row each? Intended Result: How it works: The user will click a button that will generate the following HTML codes. (Javascript) The input named
