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Tag: radio-button

How to detect when a radio input is unchecked in Javascript

I have 4 radio input separated by divs. I want to select the input, and make the card border change. But the event listener only works when it’s checked, no when it’s unchecked. Codepen version HTML Answer You can maintain a reference to the last selected I would just add and remove a class so you do not have

Syntax for checking value of radio button

Iḿ trying to check for a value of a radio input with Javascript, here is an if statements in one the functions in my code: I’m having trouble with the syntax of the if (understanding1.value == yes ) do … Here is what my code is suppose to do: The user inputs some text > the text has the id

How can I change the background image of an HTML id, via a radio button, using Javascript

I’m working on/struggling with some Javascript for a project. Currently I have only an index.html, which contains five sections, each with their own id, and each with a different background-image allocated to these sections. I have a button in the footer, which when clicked, should change each of these section background-images to a different image. The current background-image for #landingImage
