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Tag: material-ui

Mui-Datatable onTableChange is not working when adding a setState

I am using mui-datatable and based on the official example of this codesandbox, you can setState on the tableState. I wanted to get the the tableState.displayData hence, I added this, however, this will result to an error that says: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the

On login screen layout keeps showing – React & React router

As I mentioned I have MUI Theme Provider with Layout which includes Dashboard, Order screens … When user hits ‘/’ endpoint it should return Login Screen but Layout keeps showing itself. -App.js ); -Layout.js …AppBar,Sidebar etc Answer As-is, the code is unconditionally rendering a Layout component outside the Switch, so it’s rendered regardless of the currently matched route. If you

How can I make a reusable component for Material-UI Snackbar?

I have this Alert component to be used just to have a message that says “Successfully submitted” and I’m trying to use thin in a parent component. However, nothing shows in the parent component. AlertComponent Parent Component How can I fix this? Thank you. Answer Although @Ghader Salehi commented already the solution but if anyone is not sure how to

Material UI All components in the same line, taking full width

I have these components here: Sandbox: I want the first input(the text input) to take all the remaining space on the page, how do I do that? Answer You can wrap the form control components using Box instead of the current div. If you think the select components have the large width, then you can set the custom width.

How do I make a reusable component for the Cards and how can I use the new makeStyles of material-ui?

In the demo.js, I wanted to use the Card along with its CardHeader and put wordings inside the CardContent. Also, I will be using the CardComponent in other files as well. How can I make the CardComponent reusable? Sample codes: Below are the codes for the demo.js: Below are the codes for the CardComponent: I have another question as
