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Tag: material-ui

Material-UI: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I’m using the Dialog and Select components from Material-UI and React. Just an example: After clicking on the select, i’m getting this error from Modal.js: “Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. at HTMLDocument.Modal._this.enforceFocus (Modal.js?86a5:197)” Any ideas? Answer Add the prop disableEnforceFocus to the Dialog component. Reference: issues/10341

Close Persistent MUI Drawer on clicking outside

I am trying to use Drawer component in MUI React. I want that state inside the Drawer component should not lost on closing of Drawer component, hence I’m passing variant=”persistent” in Drawer component. Now, the problem is that the Persistent Drawer does not provide backdrop functionality by default unlike temporary drawers hence I’m unable to close it on outside click.

Material-ui drawer width issue

I’m facing an issue with material-ui drawer. I’ve changed the width of the drawer container which causes a a problem . The drawer remains a little inside the page and visible but I don’t want to make it visible on the page while I haven’t clicked the button. It might be having an issue with the transform attribute now. So

How do you re-render DatePicker with updated defaultValue?

I’m using DatePicker in the following scenario: Render the form that used DatePicker on componentDidMount, fetch form’s saved information (if it was saved previously) set DatePicker’s prop defaultValue from undefined to the fetched value Seems pretty simple. But, since DatePicker’s behaviour is to render defaultValue only on the first render, it obviously is empty when the value is fetched (second
