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Tag: material-ui

MUI React, Minimum Date

How can I set Minimum Date, so the user can’t pick To Date that is before From Date. Here is my Two Date Pickers, using moment to format the date. Answer You can use the minDate prop: Min selectable date. You can add it to your second DatePicker, like: (Working example)

Multiple buttons triggering the same modal component

I have an videos array, which in turn has objects of type Video (typing below). I need that when clicking on the button corresponding to a specific video, I can open only one modal with the information of the clicked video. Below is the component that renders the array of videos through a map, notice that inside the map, I

Upgrade to material ui icons v5 broke react-select

I have been upgrading from @material-ui/icons 4.11.2 to @mui/material and @mui/icons-material at 5.2.3 I realize that material UI is not directly used in react-select however as far as I can see there is some interaction. The upgrade from Material UI Icons v4 to v5 seemed to be going fine. But then, I noticed all the react-select dropdowns explode the application

How to clear TextField in react?

Hi everyone i have a question regarding on how to clear TextField after clicking the icon? thanks Answer Here is the whole solve. There was an error in the filterResults function. Codesnadbox link –
