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Tag: match

Match two arrays with same id

How to push name from array1 to array2 with matching ids end result Answer Here’s how I’d do it: i.e. create an object out of one of the arrays, using the id as the key. Then you can map over the 2nd one and use the ‘index’ to quickly look up elements in the first one.

Regex expression not returning entire term

The intention of the regex is to capture substrings wrapped between twin expressions in parentheses, kinda like html tags. For example: And here’s my code Can anyone tell me why this doesn’t capture the entire thing? Answer The characters () are special in a regexp and must be escaped with a if you want to match them literally. And

Count matching letters once

I’m creating a kid’s learning tool that has a form which matches 4 letters to a word. I want to count the number of character matches in a word. But it counts duplicates of letters as 2 instead of 1. For example if the word is “loot”, and the user submits “flop”, the matching letters are 3 instead of 2,

Current page URl check by JavaScript

I have tried to check the URL by this function. If we use single text then its working, but when we put the URL it’s not working. Answer You mention the wrong regex in your code, Here you will get a syntax error. Instead of this, you can use regex like, OR
