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Tag: jquery

Validate kendo upload control

I have a user form with a kendo upload control. I need to make sure the upload control has been completed before the user is aloud to submit the form. Uploading a file is just an optional. I will like to have a message to the user if they hit the submit button that lets them know the upload control

Unable to accessible some code in TypeScript TS

I have a simple if else code in TypeScript.But in some code unable to access it.It shows me the following error, “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘setNewsProvider’)” Code Answer Inside the forEach loop you enter a function, the function has it’s own this value. To avoid the problem, JS programmers used to often write at the entry point and

How to make content delay using CSS and Jquery

I am attempting to create a page where the content on the screen appears 3 seconds after the page loads. By the other posts I have seen on this website, I attempted the scripting below, though with no success (Everything appears at the same time). First is the section I am attempting to delay, then is the whole pages script.

How to get multiple values on(“input”) and store them in an array

I am creating an installation script, before executing the script I want to test entered credentials. I want to get these values directly before posting, then post through ajax to check if credentials works fine. I am stuck at storing them in array since these values changes everytime they get updated and array gets filled with trash data. What would

How to get .load() working within .each() loop?

I’m modifying a bit of code I found here from this question. I am trying to get it working now for multiple instances of a video. This is the only way I can get it working but I would like to make it work for each instance that there is a video which changes on each page this applies on.

Read More functionality code is not working as expected

I have a problem with the “read more” functionality I have implemented into my website. The code is working fine but only after two times of pressing the read more button created with the code. This code works when it detects the Wordpress read more tag on the text field in the backend and splits the text into two parts.

how to upload all images from a folder

trying to upload all images from a folder destination folder on server side is test destination format for images is uniqid().jpg problem – seems resulting array on server side is empty upload.php Answer You are passing a FileList object fd.append which is incorrect you have to loop through the list and add each file individually. You’re using the array of
