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Tag: jquery

Check if TinyMce field contains specific words

I have form and I want to check tiny mce field and prevent users from using some specific words. I get TinyMce field value but I can’t check if tiny_content value contains badwords My html with TinyMce field My jQuery Answer I use .some method. The some(..) method checks each element of the array against a test function and returns

removing row inside table with jquery

I have a table where I’m dynamically appending and removing rows. When pressing ‘remove’ I want to remove the whole row. This works cleanly with the already existing rows, but when using the same function for the new rows it removes everything. How can I remove just the newly created rows, not all rows? I have tried using find() to

How to make active button color in jquery?

This is the code I use in Elementor to make a custom tab section. All thing is working but my active tab does not show any active color. I want to make tab active color like the navigation menu active color. Answer you can create class “active-button” and add to your element when get actives. } and when other buttons
