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Tag: plugins

Creating an extension js inclusion problem

I am creating a small plugin with JS animation. In my plugin, I created an index.php file for my shortcode, functions.php to call my JS code and a JS file for the animation. Anyway my shortcode works, but not the animation So I called all these files in my console, it seems to tell me that I don’t have an

How to properly use formatting with chartjs?

I am trying to use formatting in Chart.js. I’ve configured the imports correctly, but it still doesn’t display what I want It doesn’t work on my local pc. I uploaded the same code to codepen and it didn’t work either. You can verify it here Any ideas what am I doing wrong? Thanks Answer As described here, you need to

Execute function in vscode snippet

Is it possible to run a function during expansion of snippet? javascript.json – vscode snippet file: index.js – project file: The obvious reason might be snippet is a json file, it’s not a javascript file so it can’t run code, just show syntax as it with cursor positions $1, $2 etc. Or is it possible through a vscode plugin? Answer

How to use owl carousel in Nuxt?

I want to make script work on every page without that these page need loaded; I have owl caroussel script on my static folder, and i already put it in nuxt.config.js, here how i put it: And there is the script on my main-script.js: The caroussel work well on the page if the page is loaded, but if it come

Significance of ‘XXX.min.js’ file in WordPress plugin

I was debugging the ‘woo-variation-gallery’ plugin for Wordpress. I found that under ‘asset->js’ folder, for every XXX.js file there is a XXX.min.js file present. For example : I would like to understand the significance of xxx.min.js file ? What’s the purpose of these *.min.js files ? Why corresponding to every .js file in the folder, there is a .min.js file

Discord voice messaging plugin: getUserMedia() is not supported

Error: Failed to start MediaRecorder: Failed to execute ‘getUserMedia’ on “MediaDevices”: getUserMedia is not supported. Original: Error on line 1026. UPD: getUserMedia() disabled in discord, alternative: UPD2: The alternative is dead Code with problem: Answer Intro Basically, better discord is essentially an application running in something like a chrome browser. You can validate this by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+I. The problem

Can’t get MiradorImageTools Plugin to work

I’m trying to get the MiradorImageTools plugin to work with mirador image viewer. I’m using a very basic html page to test: This gives me the following error: If I leave the plugin out, replacing the problematic line with the commented-out line above it, the whole thing works and I get mirador showing as it should. So clearly I’m referencing

Figma Plugin: callback on file updated

I found the callback ‘on’ interesting but limiting I there a way to trigger an event once the file has been updated? Answer There is no way to do this at the moment. The only type of update you can get is if selection changes or current page changes. Here is an example from the docs: The method commonly

Create a chat plugin for HTML using VueJs

I have been working on a chat plugin for HTML using VueJs, the problem is that I don’t know how to create a plugin that can be used to deploy this plugin on any website. Basically I want to make a GET request which gets the chat plugin into any website. EG: Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin I have the build
