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Tag: javascript

Vue.js bind to a class according to a condition

With this div declaration: that I build accordingly to: But the binding isn’t working (the class ‘highlight’ never applied regardless of the currentPage value). I have this model where there is the currentPage variable keeping track of the active page: How can I activate the binding of a class on an element, based on the string value of a

Why can’t I access props within my component?

I’ve copied the Grid Component Example into a single-file component (Grid.vue). Within that component, I’m not able to access the columns prop. console.log(this.columns) always prints: [__ob__: Observer] to the log. Can someone tell me why? This works fine in their example on the page and in JSFiddle. Here’s my Grid.vue file: I’m using this component within another component like so:

Change HTML item_status Class in javascript

Hello i have HTML below: And then if my page was loaded and see the Sold text i want to change the: To: and if the code is: Change to: Thank you before Answer Just add class to your .item-status, if you use jQuery: With pure javascript: Update: Detect sold text With jQuery: With pure Javascript

global update event for Vue.js

In Vue.js, is there a way to register an event if any component updates its data? My usecase: I am modeling a RPG character via a set of Javascript classes. The TCharacter class has several attributes that can be modified: name, level, HP, magic. While “name” is a simple string, “HP” and “magic” is a custom class TResource which has

await is only valid in async function

I wrote this code in lib/helper.js: Then I tried to use it in another file : I got an error: What is the issue? Answer The error is not refering to myfunction but to start. I use the opportunity of this question to advise you about an known anti pattern using await which is : return await. WRONG CORRECT Also,

Regex to Identify Month from the first 3 letter

I have a date format of 12March2018 I am trying to get a regular expression to identify the pattern using a regex expression. 1st letter must be numeric.Followed by the first 3 letters of the month. If the word which follows the numeric matches with any first 3 letter of any month it should return true. How do I get

Vue2 modal in v-for list

I’m trying to implement a vue2 modal as described in the vue docs at It looks something like this: While the button shows up and does pop up the modal, I get a warning that Property or method “item” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data
