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Tag: javascript

FontAwesome Icon Picker Plugin For Bootstrap not showing

I want to use fontawesome picker on my website. I followed this tutorial: I added the two files in my project fontawesome-iconpicker.js and fontawesome-iconpicker.css My input: My JS: I see no javascript error and when I click on the input, nothing happens. No Error, nothing. I use Bootstrap and jquery in my application. Update. The div is created but

async.queue drain function won’t fire

I had an async.queue implementation on my node js app but the queue.drain function recently stopped firing at all. I suspected the issue was related to await statements I have inside task functions but I also am able to reproduce the issue using the sample on async docs This will output the following on my console but not the drain

Store and extract JSX elements from localStorage

Within my React application, I store a javascript object in the localStorage. This object represents the theme used in the app. The problem is that one of the components of this object is a JSX element: I then use this object all over my app: The problem now is when I save this object in localStorage using JSON.stringify(), the JSX

Vuejs: how do you pass class(classes) to template?

What is the right syntax to pass class to %item.class% in the following code? Any syntax like [item.class] or {{ item.class }} passes it as string without render. How to pass it properly? How to pass several classes and apply to several tags (a, span etc.) nested in one template? Pass an array? How to iterate it? Thanks beforehands 🙂

Can’t do a default import in Angular 9

I changed tsconfig.json by adding this properties “esModuleInterop”: true, “allowSyntheticDefaultImports”: true, in order to be able to import a npm package import * as ms from “ms”; But I still get this error What am I missing? Update: If I change with import ms from “ms”, then it works fine with the compiler but not with VSCode linter and the
