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Tag: mocha.js

Write assertion subject to whether key has value

I’m trying to come up with a method that would allow me to create a it block that confirms whether my configuration file has a specific attribute. The object has in it: I would like to have an it block that would confirm whether this value is true and if it isn’t, then it should fail. I have tried a

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘navigator’ of undefined

My unit test case started failing when I started running the unit test in mocha from karma, Earlier we were using karma and –browser to run the test case but it was running fine, Package.json test file – It fails for navigator here, TypeError: Cannot read property ‘navigator’ of undefined ReferenceError: navigator is not defined Answer Accessing global.window.navigator is an

mocha test passes even though I throw error

in this block of code “err” is being printed, and the test passes. also tried – and done(). nothing worked, test is still passing every time. why is this happening? Answer Option 1: await the promise Just add await before the promise expression. You don’t even need those then and catch. Option 2: return the promise If you just return

Mocha test false assert timeouts

I have some problem with my async mocha tests. The assert method within a promise results in a timeout when the input evaluates to false. (with true values it works fine) This is a simplified version of the problem. We usually do networking instead of this constructed promise. Answer You’d better NOT use async/await syntax on the promise constructor. It’s

Context eval expression when I write function in Mocha Test as lambda

When I use the below code, I do not get the context eval error for the variable data When write my mocha test function as lambda (Refer code below), I receive context eval error for data variable Code Error at Context.eval (webpack:///cypress/integration/examples/Test8Framework.js:4:13) From previous event: at Context.thenFn ( at Context.then ( at Context. ( at ( From previous event: at

Compare arrays of Errors in Chai

I have a validator method that returns an array with Errors. I want to create a unit test that compares this errors, but I can’t use expect(fn).to.throw since I don’t throw the errors, just return them. This is my approach but I get AssertionError: expected [ Array(2) ] to have the same members as [ Array(2) ] Previously we used

node.js mocha before function runs after test execution

I have moved this around so much and tried with done(), asyncand chaining then(), moving the describe() around and my latest attempt was to return a promise in the before as Async function in mocha before() is alway finished before it() spec? suggested. The console.log(‘finished!’) that indicates the tables have been created is printed way after console.log(‘starting tests’) that indicates
