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Tag: import

When trying to use Card of Reactstrap I get Warning: React.jsx: type is invalid — expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function?

I tried to import the Card component from the Reactstrap library, and unfortunately this has resulted in the error below. When I remove the element, the page works again as intended. IMPORTS (IN PROFILE COMPONENT): EXPORT (AT BOTTOM OF PROFILE COMPONENT): In APP.js router: Full Profile component: Answer I think you might not have read reactstrap’s docs closely enough –

Import two files

Recently started learning imports and faced the following problem After installing the package in gulpfile, you need to make the following entry: Can I somehow make this record using import? The only thing that comes to my mind is: But there one variable is assigned two values, and here, in fact, there are 2 “variables” and it turns out somehow

How to dynamically import Vue 3 component?

According this article I would like to import component to view dynamically to my Vue 3 app. The code of the view looks like: Code does not throw any errors but I dont see the component on the page. If I use first import style it works. Am I missing somethig? Answer You need to use defineAsyncComponent in Vue 3

cannot use import statement outside a module error

So I have a file and it contains a function my main.js: and for some reason I still get an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module Answer Using in Node.js Add “type”: “module” to your package.json. This will tell node that import will be used to import files instead of require. Using in browser Add a

Why simple javascript import is not working?

Here not working But here in similar example – works, from which I am trying to do: page1.js script.js index.html: package.json Alert message is not displayed. Answer By @Nick Parsons comment: This works.
