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Tag: if-statement

Sweet Alert inside a If Statement

I’am trying (without luck) to implement a Swal inside a If statement. here is what i’ve done: And here is the links in my html: Any tip to how can I make this work? I guess my problem is inside the If statement, but I don’t know how to fix it Answer end up that everything was working nice, but…

nested if statements javascript

I’m trying to do a lookup until i found an especific value; currently using if statements like this but right now its only two levels and i dont need how many if statements will be needed until the conditions meets. Is there a way to avoid using infinite IF statements ? Answer You can make use of recursion as follow:

Repeated if else blocks

I have an if else construction that will sound absurd to you. Actually, I wrote a basic version of my real code so as not to prolong it. Is there anyone who can rationalize it? Answer You can use some early returns after finding a case for updating the data: You can avoid the early returns by putting the data

Change image SRC when input slider changed

I’m have a slider that goes from 1 – 3, I’d like my image src to change depending on what the slider is set to. I’ve tried to do this using an else if statement but it doesn’t seem to be changing? HTML Javascript Answer You need to run your JavaScript in an onchange event handler.
