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Tag: if-statement

Conditional check in JavaScript not working

I am trying below code but it’s not working as expected. I wanted to check if the cell Value has India or UnitedStatedofAmerica or Germany or Switzerland then go inside and if it’s undefined, null or blank, or it doesn’t contain the text location then go to else and set the value to ROW, But its not working. So each

Why use !== when you can use ===?

I could simply vice versa the code to be executed by the if and else. And === is more easier to use compared to !== so why is the not equal operator used? Answer You cannot use conditional statements to convert the operators for most common cases. In your example, it would be easy and readable to convert the non-equal

JavaScript for loop issue affects guess count

so I’m trying to build a JavaScript hangman game and I’m having a problem with my checkMatch function. what I’m trying to achieve is for it to check against the hiddenChoice array and only run the code in the else if statement if isn’t in the array at all. currently if hiddenChoice = apple and = l it

if something == something show something and keep showing it

so when this is true i want to keep the images even when this turns false later Answer I don’t understand why the condition looks like this label==”HowMuchCanYouSee”==true and not just this label==”HowMuchCanYouSee” Anyway you may add a new flag to the story starting with false that will be turned to true the first time your code it’s hit, and
