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Tag: html

How to escape a sup tag in xpath selector

I want to extract the text content from the below HTML tag, but the <sup> tag is preventing me from getting the desired text. The text I want to extract is simply (4:6, 6:7). how can I extract this text at the same time escaping the <sup> tag. I tried this “//p/text()”, but I am only getting the part before

I can’t write the second data in my object to div

I can’t write the second data in my object to div Note : i put here the css codes cause maybe should necessary OUTPUT despite can write “comments.yorum” , why ı cant write “comments.isim” i’ve tried to write comments.isim to div , i can’t write comments.isim despite can write comments.yorum,I couldn’t see comments.isim Answer The issue was caused by your

JavaScript getting txt file info not working, no errors

I’m using the code bellow to store everything in a text file into a JavaScript var which than will go into a html id and it will be displayed. but the output id will show nothing in html. Can anyone help me with this please? Answer window.onload doesn’t wait for the AJAX to complete. You should put the AJAX code

ReferenceError Can’t find variable: Image – React Native, create-expo-app. Can’t create an HTMLImageElement with Image()

The Error I’m early in learning to use React-Native, working with create-expo-app. When I run npm start, I run into an error giving this output: ERROR ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: Image I expect that the second two errors are caused by the first error. ERROR Invariant Violation: Failed to call into JavaScript module method AppRegistry.runApplication(). Module has not been registered

How can I get the img src from this page with puppeteer?

I am trying to get some data from this wikipedia page: img src that I need I can get everything that I need except the img src with this code The error I am getting: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘src’) Answer You can wrap your record.image line in a conditional like this This will

Implementing JS in Django templates

I have a list of ingredients, for every ingredient, I would like to give the option to delete the current ingredient via using a popup that asks the user “are you sure they want to delete this?” If confirmed, I want that ingredient to be deleted. Currently, no matter which ingredient I choose to delete, it always the deletes the

display user name on the heading during onload

I’m making a dynamic website that need to show the user’s name in the heading. The heading should say ‘Hello, ‘, when the user enters their name into the text box and presses the button. And the name has to stay on the page even if I refresh the page. What will be the javascript functions and html codes to
