I have a php script for an admin panel that shows if a device is broken or not. But it (of course) only displays 1’s and 0’s. I want to make it more user friendly by replacing a 0 with “broken” and a 1 with “working”. I didn’t try anything yet because I don’t got a single clue on how
Tag: html-table
React: Get all data from Table from a onclick function
I have react app with a react-spreadsheet component and a button. I am trying to get the data from the spreadsheet on the onclick() event of the button. I am trying to get the data added to the spreadsheet via the webpage inside a JavaScript function. Is there a way to get the react-spreadsheet data(if any added via frontend) inside
Show JSON data in table in selectbox
There is a JSON data and I have displayed each key value as a column in the table. I want to export data from JSON to each column as a selectbox. i.e. I want to show all corresponding values of “country” in JSON as selectbox in COUNTRY column. My JSON data My Javascript How can i edit? Answer Do you
Get total quantity for each unique product from a table with javascript
I have a resulting table from a backend that returns products and quantities. What i need to achieve is to check for repeating products and sum their quantities in a Overview below the table. I’ve written javascript, that partially works, but with more data i saw that it is not returning correct values and the summary shows too big numbers.
JavaScript rendering object containing arrays as table
I have an object (equipmentTable) containing arrays of values for each column in a table. I am having trouble getting this table to render properly. I think I am pretty close. Here is the object: And what I have tried: No matter what I try, everything renders in the first column. Any help is appreciated! Answer It’s a little unclear
How to add Current Date and Time into Table?
how can I add the current date and time with this format: 2022-07-17 17:50:20? I already managed it with an input value but I need the current time. Answer You should use built-in Date object in Javascript, like this: By the way, I suggest you make all your vars into lets as that’s the current standard. There’s a very fine
Get cell Value of Table html
I have this code (opt1) to get the text of the cell, which is clicked, but this alerts all of the objects in the table as its in a loop. But when I place it outside the loop I just get a random text from the table and not the one which is clicked (opt2). I need the textContent of
Why I cannot map over this array of objects in React JS?
Why I cannot map over this array of objects in React JS? Here’s my code: The code in quotations is working but map is not. Answer You are missing a return statement on the map so you are not able to get the output. You can do it as follows.
Save and retrieve HTML table from localStorage
I am currently working on an app that will take data from multiple inputs, add it to an HTML table and store it to the local Storage as well. I am using HTML tables due to the fact that I wanted to implement the option to download the data as an XLSX file and for that I am using sheet.js
HTML CSS -zooming div in center of table cell like popup
I am using Angular. In table cell I am using div but I need to show the div like a popup in click event. I made it click event logics but how to show div element like a popup which is placed in between a table cell without using any library like bootsrap or angular material ts part css part