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Tag: google-chrome

Trace a Webpack Error/Line Back to its Source Line

Often, if I’m using webpack to compile/transpile code from ES2015 syntax to something my web browser can read (in a single bundle.js file) I’ll end up with an error like this The specific error here isn’t important — what’s important is that Chrome points me towards line 99 of bundle.js, that looks like this (with surrounding lines for context) Is

Open blob objectURL in Chrome

I want to open a PDF in a new tab in chrome browser (Chrome 56.0.2924.87, Ubuntu 14.04) using in javascript. I am creating the blob from base64 encoded data and do create an objectURL like this: It works fine in latest Firefox browser. But in Chrome I can see that the new tab gets opened but then closed immediately.

Content Security Policy not allowing form submission

Please I need assistance here. I have a form to submit to another url but when I try to submit it, it refuses to submit and I was checking my console. On Chrome, I see the following errors resources2.aspx?HCCID=75694719&culture=en-US&mlcv=3006&template=5:7 Refused to load the image ‘’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “img-src ‘self’ data:”. Refused to send
