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Tag: deployment

Getting environment variables to work in next js and netlify

I have deployed a next js application to netlify using git and I have a .env.local file that stores the backend route url that I use everywhere throughout the app when making fetch requests. The problem is that after deployment the process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_ROUTE returns undefined. The .env.local file: NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_ROUTE=https://[the name of the url] An example of a page using the environment

Deploying PERN stack on AWS issue

So I’m frustrated with this process I’ve watched the same tutorial a bunch on times Everything seems perfect but the frontend doesn’t seem to be making contact with the backend. Using xginx and pm2. In the config for the xginx my locations look like this I’m not even sure if this is where the issue lies. I can hit

JavaScript vs Node.js

I have simple “to-do” application written in JavaScript and HTML. I don’t even have CSS file, just have bit of in-line style in index.html file where I have linked my JavaScript file. No database or any other stuff needed. Simple app using vanilla JavaScript and HTML. I have AWS free tier account and tried zipping .js and .html files and

Unexpected behaviour on bookmarklet submit or related database action

[updated below] I have a bit of a problem deploying a site on apache with mod_wsgi with some javascript bookmarklet functionality. The problem is that the bookmarklet (which is a browser menu button) submits to a page like which then returns a form to save metadata about the link. The view function (a flask/werkzeug app) checks the database to
