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Tag: google-chrome

How to Disable V8’s Optimizing Compiler

I’m writing a constant-time string comparison function (for node.js) and would like to disable V8’s optimizing compiler for this single function; using command-line flags are out of the question. I know that using a with{} (or try/catch) block will disable the optimizing compiler now, but I’m afraid this “feature” (bug) will be fixed in future versions. Is there an immutable

How can I stop Chrome from going into debug mode?

If the debugging window is open, the debugger starts hitting lines by itself even though there are no set breakpoints. I have tried using the “Deactivate breakpoints” button and it doesn’t make a difference if it is on or off. This happens on any website. Answer You’ve accidentally set “Pause on Exceptions” to all/uncaught exceptions. Go to the “Sources” tab.

onunload does in Chrome

I am opening a new window as below to var nResult = window.showModalDialog(“getSelection.asp?Type=” + inputType, “”, “dialogHeight:220px; dialogWidth:400px; resizable=no; help:no; status:no”); Now on getSelection.asp I have following syntax for body <BODY onload=”RetrieveDialogArguments();document.thisForm.ok.focus();” onunload=”ReturnDialogArguments()” > when I put alert then found that onload event works and call to RetrieveDialogArguments() but onunload event does not work and function ReturnDialogArguments() does not call.

Simple bookmarklet not working in chrome

I am new to bookmarklet coding and i have run into a problem where the regular javascript works fine in the browser but not the bookmarklet version. I had found a bookmarklet which finds a image and turns it into BB code and that works fine, however it loads jQuery and i did not want it doing that all the
