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Tag: google-chrome-extension

open the “closed” shadowRoot of element inserted by other extension in chrome

well google translate extension in chrome, has popup feature, it displays translation of selected word instantly, I wanted to access those translations displayed by popup, but this popup element is shadowRoot(“closed”), so javascript cant access its content, I red an article about that subject and author says: But really there is nothing stopping someone executing the following JavaScript before your

Manifest v3 inject script from popup.js

In manifest v2 this code worked and injected the script when button was clicked: popup.js v2 (works) Now in manifest v3, chrome.tabs.executeScript is replaced with chrome.scripting.executeScript. scripting permission is added in manifest.json. popup.js v3 (not working) The problem is that chrome.tabs.executeScript requires tabId value as one of the parameters. How can I get tabId value in popup.js or convert the

getting error while trying to play Audio from URL in chrome extension

I tried many ways to play a sound from the URL but it isn’t working. When I inspected the page have errors console: chrome-extension://invalid/:1 GET chrome-extension://invalid/ net::ERR_FAILED Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to load because no supported source was found. manifest.json: I’m doing this in options_page that is content.html. I have also given ‘web_accessible_resources’ permission to the script, but still

Does loading a webextension’s background.js script impact performance, even if the script’s contents are minimal?

When installing a webextension, does the mere existence of a background.js file negatively impact performance* at all, considering that it is a separate javascript file that must be loaded? For most practical cases one could assume the answer is “pretty much No,” but in the case of an older computer with less processing power, and a browser that could have

Is there any way to detect individual elements rendering in React Component properly? (Not Components rendering)

I know that we can detect Components rendering through React’s Developer Tool, I have also read other ways in this question. but this is not what I need. I’m looking for way to detect individual elements rendering in Component, for example when we have mapped list and we will add one item: before: after: I know that here React creates
