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Tag: frontend

how to pass an object as a prop in nextjs

I cant quite figure out how I am supposed to pass an object as a prop when using useState in Next JS. I have a lorem ipsum generator that I created in javascript functions. I have a component called Paragraphs that houses it. I need to pass in two properties, a number of paragraphs. a sentence length. The paragraph length

how can i edit this layout in magento 2.4.3

I want to remove this line form email confirmation but I don’t know where this html located. Answer From handle=”sales_email_order_items” {{layout handle=”sales_email_order_items” order_id=$order_id area=”frontend”} you’ll see this layout “sales_email_order_items” Maybe, you’ll find it in file vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/email/items.phtml or vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/order/items.phtml have a nice day !!

Performance metrics for Vuejs

I’m looking for performance metrics for a Vue app. Metrics regarding the whole app but also for some specific components. I know that I can use Vue.config.performance = true; and then run the performance dev tools and maybe I could use something like Performance Observer in order to do specific things on new performance events. I was wondering, if there

How to make sure ngAfterViewInit runs after a certain HTML element is rendered?

In HTML, there is a <a> that redirects to another component, and after that scrolls to a certain anchor. In the target component, I have the following code However, I found that document.getElementById(fragment); is always null, because this element is displayed conditionally using ngIf = booleanVariable, and when this ngAfterViewInit life cycle hook runs, this booleanVariable is not calculated yet.
