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Tag: frontend

Html welcoming screen animation switching problem

The Code: Hello friends,I have 2 questions. Firstly,How can I add a blink animation at the same angle after your smiley face turns a certain angle? In my code there is no blinking smiley feature. Finally, how do I make the page border not visible on the welcoming page? so mean I don’t want the border to appear on the

How can I get the user’s selection’s center anchor point position (x, y) relative to the document/window?

How can I get the user’s selection’s center anchor point position (x, y) relative to the document/window? I only know how to get selected nodes using window.getSelection(). But not the position: example use case Answer You can use getBoundingClientRect() for this purpose. To get the center point, add the half of width to the horizontal distance from the left edge

Multiple Row Edit Functionality in React

I am trying to implement an edit row functionality in a react grid. I have attached 2 links. Link 1 is the GIF which shows the functionality that I have implemented using the below code.(For privacy reasons I cannot publish the actual code) Link 2 is the functionality I am trying to achieve! How shall I do that? Link 1

Implementing conditional rendering – blank page being returned

A login state is being generated from the “LoginPage.js” code up to the “App.js” component so that I can implement conditional rendering based upon the login state which can be “true” or “false”. I have attached the files below. My website still shows the login page and never renders the other conditional content I want it to render. App.js file

Save form values to localStorage

I have been studying JS for a while so at some point a couldn’t complete the assignment that my teacher gave me so its all about to create a input to fill with 3 selectors to change some properties of the text. What I’m trying to do is: whenever the user he closes the page and opens it again –

make a div show on page load

This is a navigation toggler that toggles between showing different divs id=(home, profile,deposit,withdrawal). I need the div id=home to show by default immediately the page loads. Answer I made a function that takes one String argument. Hiding all divs, and after then set the display of the first div that the id is equal the given string. At initialization the
