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Tag: firefox

React Error: “SharedArrayBuffer is not defined” in Firefox

I have a React app, created with ‘create-react-app’ (I also use jsdom NPM package), and for some reason, the application throws an error on load Only in Firefox (works fine in Chrome & Edge). Here is the error: After some Googling I found: “To enable SharedArrayBuffer in Firefox, go to about:config and set the javascript.options.shared_memory preference to true” ( The

Firefox: Service Worker: SecurityError: DOMException: The Operation is insecure

In app.js, I am checking the serviceWorker existence in navigator object and if available then registering the SW. When trying to register SW, I receive the below error in Firefox. I also made sure the service-worker.js file is under src directory. Checking my about:config in Firefox (version 59.0.2) I had service worker and storage api enabled. So that shouldn’t be

Whitelisting inline script with csp sha-256 in firefox

I can not get whitelisting by checksum to work in firefox (52.0.2, windows). Firefox supports content security policy version 2 according to caniuse, so checksumming should be supported. When chrome blocks an inline script, it prints the needed sha-256 to console. Adding it to the csp rules successfully whitelists the script. The checksum is also identical to the one calculated

a href=javascript:function() in firefox not working

I tried using a href=javascript:function() in a button, with a function to execute it. It works in Chrome but it doesn’t work in Firefox. Firefox doesn’t alert and open blank tab. Anyone can help me? Below is button code Update I should have added that im using a live editor(profitbuilder) in wordpress to generate the page and button. There is

Prevent parent page from scrolling when mouse is over embedded iframe in Firefox

…without limiting the scroll inside the iframe or the need to specifically name/tag all scrollable elements. Imagine google maps widget embedded in parent page. When you zoom in the widget you don’t want the parent page to scroll, obviously. I thought an answer to my previous question solved the problem: While scrolling inside an iframe, the body doesn’t know anything
