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Tag: firefox

Clear the console in Firefox

Is there a way to clear the console in Firefox? In Chrome I can use… (Not sure if it works for Safari or Opera though) However I haven’t been able to find a solution for Firefox. Is this type of API not yet available? Is there a workaround that doesn’t require? Answer In firefox you can just input clear(). It

jQuery – Can not select first option on last optgroup

I have small problem. I need select option from <select> A, which triggered action and select his first <option> in <select> B by value from selected <option> from A. Everything works fine, but I can’t select ONLY last optgroup and his option. Try to look at jsfiddle This bug seems to be only on Firefox (Linux, Win7). Google Chrome is

Firefox div > svg mouseover fires OUTSIDE div

I have a div with two svg-elements inside, which are shown/hidden when hovering with the mouse. The mouseover event is registered with the div. On Chrome and Safari it works, on FF the SVG sits at a different position and the “hitbox” of the div where I can hover, is very large, like 3 times the actual size of the

$(window).load doesn’t seem to be working in firefox

So I’ve got some code that need’s to be executed only when content of the website is loaded so I place it within window load, like this: Works perfectly fine in safari and chrome (I’m on mac osx 10.8), however doesn’t seem to be working on firefox (19.0.2). Is there a fix or something that need’s to be applied in on Firefox

Works fine on Google Chrome and IE but not on Firefox. Tried it on Google. Google says event.srcElement (works on IE but not on Firefox) so I have added but still not working. Is there anymore changes I need to do to work on Firefox? By the way I’m using 3.5 version of Firefox. Please help me to make
