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Tag: fetch

Sending POST request with Fetch after closing the browser with ‘beforeunload’ / ‘unload’ eventlistener is not working

for the life of me I can’t figure out what is happening. I’ve been spending all day searching for the answer but can’t find it anywhere. I’m practicing with writing a function that emails an abandoned form to me. This is the index.js file I run for the local host that hosts the form The function that the request is

Creating unique key props for array children (React.js)

I am trying to build out a component in React which takes information from a JSON source, and uses some of that information to create states which can be passed down into other separate components. While I haven’t passed my states into separate components yet, I have been able to get my state to update with the information from the

How to fix the problem of react app not loading in Safari?

I built an application by using create-react-app, react-redux, react-router-dom, and material UI. The app uses Fetch API for http requests. It’s working in Chrome, but in Safari I get the error below. ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: AudioContext app link: Answer You got a message in Safari console about AudioContext: “ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: AudioContext”. Check this I guess it

My program is ‘skipping’ a fetch request, React.js

Its really weird. The first fetch I do works appropriately, but when doing the second fetch in my handleSubmit() method it sort of ‘skips’ it. It goes on, never enters the .then statements, doesn’t print an error. Ive tried with other APIs, but honestly it should work fine since the first take is almost identical and it worked. Ive tried
