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Tag: events

Detect attachShadow event

I’d like to detect an event of attaching shadow to the host element. Use-case: using MutationObserver to watch any DOM changes and post-process the changed content as part of binding (tying) framework’s logic. Why do I need to detect this event? In order to be able to watch for a changes within the shadowDOM, another MutationObserver should be created and

Prevent click event being triggered on children elements

I don’t understand why when I add a click event listener on an element, its children triggers it too. I want that the parent is triggered even if the children are clicked, which should be the normal behavior I think. Here’s the code : Answer You can use to check what has been clicked, then for example check if

GA send event, returns undefined

Innit GA Track event But this allways return undefined, And I added the ‘Registration’ event (with that category, label and value) in conversions, at google analytics site, Any idea why this could happen? Of course it isn’t tracked.. Answer You are mixing old-style classic syntax (using the _gaq array) and Universal Analytics, so your ga object is not set up

JavaScript registering events handlers externally

I have decided to remove all calls to JavaScript event from the html form elements to an external file. In doing this i registered an event for each item. However access the elements attributes using ‘this’ can no longer be used what I have decided to use is for value attribute and for name attribute. I think this
