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Tag: django

Trouble when parsing JSON string

I’m dumping JSON in Django view and then parsing JSON in JS to get the data. My (Django) The ibm variable output in Django template is: My index.html (JS inside) The issue is: I’m having to JSON.parse double times to get the JS object. The variable mydata, despite the JSON.parse, is string typeof. I only get the final result

not getting fetch data from OneToOneFiled in Django Rest Framework In Hiring Model class Driver field is OneToOneField, how to fetch data from that, i did not find any proper solution how to work with OneToOneField relation, please help me out this is render data at frontend list_edit_drivers.html- html file while ajax calling output error- while added some hiring.status column in fornt end error Answer Changes

Sorting and paginating object at the same time in django; after paginating the sort gets reset

If I have applied the sorting to my wallpapers and after that if I try to paginate the sorting gets reset. like if I have sorted wallpapers according to pub date in ascending order and after pagination, it gets back to normal. view Pagination code Answer The reason this happens is because you “drop” the URL parameters regarding sorting and

Plotly.js for tidy data – Bar color

I’m new to plotly JS, but I have good experience with python – I want to get the same results as the following: Essentially to use the data value to add distinct colors to my bars, is there any easy way to obtain that results?, obviously I have a tidy dataset What I want to do is to color the
