I have array of days. I only want to show the above selected days in the airbnb datepicker and disable the other ones. How can I do that? Thank you Answer You will have to use the isDayBlocked prop of the date picker. The following function will find if a day is contained inside your array, and return true if
Tag: datepicker
Disable Friday and Saturday In Datepicker
I am trying to edit the beforeShowDay function in jquery.ui.datepicker. This is the original beforeShowDay lines in datepicker I’m trying to replace: I have searched around trying to find the correct code to replace it with with no luck. I found this fiddle; disable 1 day in datepicker I have edited this fiddle and succeeded in disabling Friday and Saturday
How do you re-render DatePicker with updated defaultValue?
I’m using DatePicker in the following scenario: Render the form that used DatePicker on componentDidMount, fetch form’s saved information (if it was saved previously) set DatePicker’s prop defaultValue from undefined to the fetched value Seems pretty simple. But, since DatePicker’s behaviour is to render defaultValue only on the first render, it obviously is empty when the value is fetched (second
Set Current Date as Selected in Bootstrap datepicker
I am using bootstrap-datepicker in my code. How Do I select current date in JavaScript and show it as selected? After research this is code I am using but current day does not appear as selected: Answer No idea about the code you are using and without HTML markup doesn’t make much sense, Here is a working example of what
Jquery datepicker change event trigger and input’s default change event
I have datepicker When I first change ‘.inp’ manually type there a value, then immediately I click on datepicker’s opened calendar. I get two ‘change’ event listeners. First from manual change, then from datepicker change. How can I avoid this? Answer Set your input readOnly, it will help you to change the value of field through icon only. then use
How to programmatically invoke the native datepicker on a mobile device
I want to programmatically kick off the native datepicker on my web page (that is run on iOS and Android). I know that I can use <input type=”date” but that would require user input. How do I kick it off programmatically? Answer You don’t. You can’t tell (/force) the phone to show the date-picker without a user touching a date
How to format date with hours, minutes and seconds when using jQuery UI Datepicker?
Is it possible to format a date with jQuery UI Datepicker as to show hours, minutes and seconds? This is my current mockup: When I call .datepicker({ dateFormat: ‘yyy-dd-mm HH:MM:ss’ }) the returned value is: 201313-07-03 HH:July:ss Here is a JSFiddle. Answer For the time picker, you should add timepicker to Datepicker, and it would be formatted with one equivalent
Change jquery ui datepicker programmatically
I’ve got a jquery ui datepicker on my page. It’s linked to a span not an input. It’s currently tweeked to select a week at a time. I’ve also got two buttons on my page ‘Previous Week’ and ‘Next Week’. I want the buttons to control what’s selected by the datepicker. (ie jump forward / backward by one week when