I have one component, which have three different Typography components inside. I want to align “summary” to the left, and ‘miles’ and ‘duration’ to the right. My code is below: I tried messing around with the justifyContent attribute but didn’t work. I’m pretty new to CSS and styling so not sure what the best approach for this situation. Answer
Tag: css
react js : children style doesn’t show
I tried to create a component ‘Card’ and use it like a container. the code work well without ‘card’. when I tried to add it the ‘Card.css’ and expense-item in ExpenseItem.css doesn’t work this is ‘ExpenseItem.js’: this is ‘Card.js’: and this is ‘Card.css’: and finally this is ‘ExpenseItem.css’: Answer You need a space between card and the class name in
jquery input doesnt accept numbers when set to case insensitive
i have this code that makes you search trought images without any problem, as this, it works case sensitive and i dont want that; to make it case insensitive i’d have to add an i here $(“img[alt*=” + val + ” i]”).show(); before the ]. now it is case insensitive but the problem is that when i write numbers in
Dynamically append the element through JavaScript Dom
Hers’s question which I need answer Exercises: Level 1 Question 1 I tried to append the child dynamically and get the result vertical not in the compact manner as you will see in the question output when you go to the link You can see the code of both HTML and javascript above!!! Do help with the code where I
Change text in element when another element is hovered over
I have three button elements and depending on which button is hovered over I want the text box to have a diffrent text. When not hovering over the buttons text element should have “See details here”. I would like to have 20 buttons is there a better solution than the one below? Answer Use an object to hold all the
Make a div smaller when scrolling
Hi i tried to make the div smaller wqhen scrolling. however i found some article that the div is small then when scroll it make bigger. i wanted the opposite. when run the image is 100% then when scroll it will be smaller. can someone help me please? i am new to this This is the code: https://codesandbox.io/s/sharp-lewin-to1o2b?file=/index.html Html: Answer
change the background video of the website according to the weather
There was a problem with the above. I want a dynamic video background for a website. It would change exactly what the weather is like outside, so if it rains, it will play a rainy video in the background, if the sun is shining it will be a sunny video and so on. I already have a basic snippet of
How to make background of a textbox with a if condition
I have below input text field. I need to change the background color of this textbox according to the text. From below code, I could get this done after clicking on the box. Here is my CSS class. But I need to show the red color border without clicking. Further I need to change the background also to red color.
Why is my div not expanding in width 100%?
I am creating a sidebar menu composed by 3 divs, these 3 divs should expand in “width” 100% of the menu width but they don’t. I have checked to make sure that all tags/divs are closed and make sure that are all displayed as grid and put on each width 100% but still they don’t expand to 100% width of
How to increase the size of play and pause buttons and the height of an HTML audio player?
As you can see, the PLAY/PAUSE icons are too small than intended as well as the whole player is thiner than intended as some viewer will have difficulties to see it. How can I make the whole player bigger? I read that we will not have access to individual controls (eg. Play) What I want is the WHOLE audio player