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Tag: css-grid

Why is my div not expanding in width 100%?

I am creating a sidebar menu composed by 3 divs, these 3 divs should expand in “width” 100% of the menu width but they don’t. I have checked to make sure that all tags/divs are closed and make sure that are all displayed as grid and put on each width 100% but still they don’t expand to 100% width of

How to get innertext of heading on grid card click?

Please help me to get innerText of heading from grid card. CSS File ; How can I get innerText of heading if I click on grid3 and so on through Javascript ? Answer Assuming grids refer to the div.posts elements, you can just use the the document method querySelectorAll() to retrieve a list of all the grids, use the forEach()

Tailwind CSS Grid Spacing Messed Up

I am trying to make a blog website with two columns for the posts. The first column displays one large-format post while the second displays 3 small-format posts (pictured below). However, when i do this to small-format posts seem to respect the spacing of the large-format post, even though they are in different columns. Here is a picture: As you

Get corner items in current CSS grid layout, expanding on hover

I’m using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 250px) to keep grid items 250px wide but automatically adjust number of row-items according to screen-width. Now I want that when I hover over an item, it expands taking a bit of its sibling’s space, with its sibling getting shrunk. By console.log(), I found nextElementSibling that can be used. So I’m thinking of something like- This
