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Tag: cookies

For some reason document.cookie not working

I have a cookie that gets set in the server on a successful logon to a complex PWA. However I am having trouble deleting that cookie from within the browser on log off. In order to test that further I have a (psuedo – by which I mean its still the original index.html, but using web components I can simulate

JavaScript get cookies function

I’ve been learning on how to get Cookies from a web page. Below is the code extracted from I am not sure why they used this line of code in the getCookies(cname) function as shown below. Why should there be a blank space at the start of every string in the array “ca”? And why should we take c.substring(1)?

How do I fix the warning “Cookie ‘cookie_name’ will be rejected soon …” that I get after deleting the cookie?

Firefox throws the following warning after deleting a valid cookie: Cookie “cookie_name” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read Scenario After a valid login I send a cookie to the frontend. This cookie can be used during

Chrome not saving cookies in localhost

I know this has been asked before but none of the solutions named work. I am using Spring boot and React for my webapp, and need to set cookies on the website. I am developing and testing using Google Chrome. When I get the response from the server, the cookie is present and visible. However it is not saved in

Koa & Passport Missing credentials

I have a Koa server that uses Passport to authenticate users against an Array, and a React client. After successful login, the following requests are not authenticated as the cookie is undefined. The authenticate function’s error parameter has: After browsing the site, I fixed the usual errors, calling the returned function of authenticate, adding {credentials: ‘include’} to fetch etc, but

Need simple modification for Javascript Cookie notice wordpress plugin

I followed a tutorial to create cookie notice popup for my wordpress site, it works as expected, I’m not good at javascript, so I want after user click on X button and accept cookies, to be automatically redirected to the same page with ?ok=3 query <script>cookieLaw={dId:”cookie-law-div”,bId:”cookie-law-button”,iId:”cookie-law-item”,show:function(e){if(localStorage.getItem(cookieLaw.iId))return!1;var o=document.createElement(“div”),i=document.createElement(“p”),t=document.createElement(“button”);i.innerHTML=e.msg,,t.innerHTML=e.ok,,o.appendChild(t),o.appendChild(i),document.body.insertBefore(o,document.body.lastChild),t.addEventListener(“click”,cookieLaw.hide,!1)},hide:function(){document.getElementById(cookieLaw.dId).outerHTML=””,localStorage.setItem(cookieLaw.iId,”1″)}},{msg:”We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. By continuing to visit
