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Tag: conditional-statements

Google sheets automatic Notes [with onEdit() function] on cells’ values resulting from formulas

Is it possible to create automatic Notes based on cells variable values resulting from formulas ? For example A1=stxt(B1;1;4) gives “some” with B1=sometext (variable value), so that A1’s Note would be “some” And a second question : how to add at least a third condition for exceptions treatment in I didn’t neither succeed having many OR conditions in one single

How Can I Simplify This JSX Conditional Code?

I´ve got this code snippet: where “buttonsType” is those enums: I´d like to know some better way, to simplify the conditional statement. Or is it possible to have it like this? Thank you. Answer I think Ray Hatfield’s answer is the cleanest solution and avoids repetitive JSX, but I’ll add a switch example as an option. Ternary generally seems like

How to load a script only in IE

I need a particular script to be triggered in Internet Explorer browsers Only! I’ve tried this: Unfortunately this actually stops the script from being loaded. EDIT: For everyone asking why I need this: IE makes scrolling extremely jumpy when using some animations. In order to address this I need to implement a script that provides smooth scrolling to IE. I
