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Tag: canvas

Animating multiple circles in a canvas

I’m trying to make an animation inside a canvas: here, a numbered circle must be drawn and move from left to right one single time, disappearing as soon as it reaches the end of animation. For now I managed to animate it in loop, but I need to animate at the same time (or with a set delay) multiple numbered

html5/css/javascript : How to superpose two canvas in a div

Hello I’m stuck on a superposition problem of two canvas. Here is a simplified example. Note that in the real application, buttons and drawings are far more complicated and that I want to keep the structure with html5 / css / javascript. I suppose that I miss something in the css to succeed to have these two canvas superposed, buttons

How to drag html shapes into mxgraph canvas

I want to drag and drop those 3 shapes into mxgraph canvas (which is the black area). Note: I want to fully preserve the drag element on the canvas, including shape, size, color, text, etc. I don’t know whether insertVertex does it work. Dragging the orange,red or other box in to the dark area currently does not work. Answer In

Canvas zoom to cursor doesn’t work correct

I’m trying to scale canvas to/from mouse position, but it works not perfect (always goes few cells away from mouse pos). I’ve read all similar posts but i don’t know what’s wrong. All code is only to run snippet, it works good. Problem is in function scale. Answer In function scale() keep the same values for x and y
