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JavaScript canvas image generation add spacing between letters

I need your help. I’m currently trying to write a text 2 png library to generate PNGs including inline styling for every single letter. Currently I’m really stuck trying to add a spacing between each letter. At the moment every letter is written like in layers above each one:

enter image description here

Do you have any good ideas how to do this? At the end the letters should be beside each other including the option to pass a letter spacing to modify the spacing later – like line spacing:

let text = '{#ff0000ES}n{#FF33F0AC}nR'

fs.writeFileSync('test2.png', text2png(text,
        color: 'gray',
        textAlign: 'center',
        lineSpacing: 30,
        letterSpacing: 10, // <-- needed
        font: '100px sans-serif'

This is the function I’m working with:

const {registerFont, createCanvas} = require("canvas");

 * Convert text to PNG image.
 * @param text
 * @param [options]
 * @param [options.font="30px sans-serif"] css style font
 * @param [options.textAlign="left"] text alignment (left, center, right)
 * @param [options.color="black"] (or options.textColor) text color
 * @param [options.backgroundColor] (or options.bgColor) background color
 * @param [options.lineSpacing=0]
 * @param [options.letterSpacing=0]
 * @param [options.strokeWidth=0]
 * @param [options.strokeColor='white']
 * @param [options.padding=0] width of the padding area (left, top, right, bottom)
 * @param [options.paddingLeft]
 * @param [options.paddingTop]
 * @param [options.paddingRight]
 * @param [options.paddingBottom]
 * @param [options.borderWidth=0] width of border (left, top, right, bottom)
 * @param [options.borderLeftWidth=0]
 * @param [options.borderTopWidth=0]
 * @param [options.borderRightWidth=0]
 * @param [options.borderBottomWidth=0]
 * @param [options.borderColor="black"] border color
 * @param [options.localFontPath] path to local font (e.g. fonts/Lobster-Regular.ttf)
 * @param [options.localFontName] name of local font (e.g. Lobster)
 * @param [options.output="buffer"] 'buffer', 'stream', 'dataURL', 'canvas's
 * @returns {string} png image buffer
const text2png = (text, options = {}) => {
    // Options
    options = parseOptions(options);

    // Register a custom font
    if (options.localFontPath && options.localFontName) {
        registerFont(options.localFontPath, {family: options.localFontName});

    const canvas = createCanvas(0, 0);
    const ctx    = canvas.getContext("2d");

    const max = {
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        ascent: 0,
        descent: 0

    let lastDescent;
    const lineProps = text.split("n").map(line => {
        ctx.font      = options.font;
        const metrics = ctx.measureText(line);

        const left    = -1 * metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft;
        const right   = metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight;
        const ascent  = metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent;
        const descent = metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent;

        max.left    = Math.max(max.left, left);
        max.right   = Math.max(max.right, right);
        max.ascent  = Math.max(max.ascent, ascent);
        max.descent = Math.max(max.descent, descent);
        lastDescent = descent;

        return {line, left, right, ascent, descent};

    const lineHeight = max.ascent + max.descent + options.lineSpacing;

    const contentWidth  = max.left + max.right;
    const contentHeight =
              lineHeight * lineProps.length -
              options.lineSpacing -
              (max.descent - lastDescent);

    canvas.width =
        contentWidth +
        options.borderLeftWidth +
        options.borderRightWidth +
        options.paddingLeft +

    canvas.height =
        contentHeight +
        options.borderTopWidth +
        options.borderBottomWidth +
        options.paddingTop +

    const hasBorder =
              false ||
              options.borderLeftWidth ||
              options.borderTopWidth ||
              options.borderRightWidth ||

    if (hasBorder) {
        ctx.fillStyle = options.borderColor;
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    if (options.backgroundColor) {
        ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor;
            canvas.width - (options.borderLeftWidth + options.borderRightWidth),
            canvas.height - (options.borderTopWidth + options.borderBottomWidth)
    } else if (hasBorder) {
            canvas.width - (options.borderLeftWidth + options.borderRightWidth),
            canvas.height - (options.borderTopWidth + options.borderBottomWidth)

    ctx.font        = options.font;
    ctx.antialias   = "gray";
    ctx.textAlign   = options.textAlign;
    ctx.lineWidth   = options.strokeWidth;
    ctx.strokeStyle = options.strokeColor;

    let offsetY = options.borderTopWidth + options.paddingTop;
    lineProps.forEach(lineProp => {
        // Calculate Y
        let x = 0;
        let y = max.ascent + offsetY;

        // Calculate X
        switch (options.textAlign) {
            case "start":
            case "left":
                x = lineProp.left + options.borderLeftWidth + options.paddingLeft;

            case "end":
            case "right":
                x =
                    canvas.width -
                    lineProp.left -
                    options.borderRightWidth -

            case "center":
                x = contentWidth / 2 + options.borderLeftWidth + options.paddingLeft;

        let linePropIterator = 0;
        let stylingChars     = '{}';
        let subtext          = '';
        let textColor        = options.textColor;

        while (linePropIterator < lineProp.line.length) {
            let wordCharCode = lineProp.line.charCodeAt(linePropIterator);
            let word         = lineProp.line[linePropIterator];

            if (wordCharCode < 256) {
                if (stylingChars.indexOf(word) > -1) {
                    if (word === '{') {
                        textColor = lineProp.line.substr(linePropIterator + 1, 7);

                        linePropIterator += 7;
                    } else if (word === '}') {
                        textColor = options.textColor;
                } else {
                    subtext += word;

                if (subtext !== '') {

                    subtext = '';

                linePropIterator += 1;

        function renderText(text) {
            ctx.fillStyle = textColor;
            ctx.fillText(text, x + randomInt(20, 50), y); // <-- Random int seems to change the spacing but how to calculate it?

            if (options.strokeWidth > 0) {
                ctx.strokeText(lineProp.line, x, y);

        offsetY += lineHeight;

    switch (options.output) {
        case "buffer":
            return canvas.toBuffer();
        case "stream":
            return canvas.createPNGStream();
        case "dataURL":
            return canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
        case "canvas":
            return canvas;
            throw new Error(`output type:${options.output} is not supported.`);

function parseOptions(options) {
    return {
        font: or(options.font, "30px sans-serif"),
        textAlign: or(options.textAlign, "left"),
        textColor: or(options.textColor, options.color, "black"),
        backgroundColor: or(options.bgColor, options.backgroundColor, null),
        lineSpacing: or(options.lineSpacing, 0),
        letterSpacing: or(options.letterSpacing, 0),

        strokeWidth: or(options.strokeWidth, 0),
        strokeColor: or(options.strokeColor, "white"),

        paddingLeft: or(options.paddingLeft, options.padding, 0),
        paddingTop: or(options.paddingTop, options.padding, 0),
        paddingRight: or(options.paddingRight, options.padding, 0),
        paddingBottom: or(options.paddingBottom, options.padding, 0),

        borderLeftWidth: or(options.borderLeftWidth, options.borderWidth, 0),
        borderTopWidth: or(options.borderTopWidth, options.borderWidth, 0),
        borderBottomWidth: or(options.borderBottomWidth, options.borderWidth, 0),
        borderRightWidth: or(options.borderRightWidth, options.borderWidth, 0),
        borderColor: or(options.borderColor, "black"),

        localFontName: or(options.localFontName, null),
        localFontPath: or(options.localFontPath, null),

        output: or(options.output, "buffer")

function or() {
    for (let arg of arguments) {
        if (typeof arg !== "undefined") {
            return arg;
    return arguments[arguments.length - 1];

function randomInt(e, t) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (t - e + 1) + e)

module.exports = text2png;

I’ve tried to change the x value with a random int value which seems to be a part of the solution but how to calculate now the x value by respecting the letterSpacing option?



I couldn’t quite get to the end of your code, since the snippet you contributed is rather comprehensive… But I believe what you’re looking for is the measureText() Method of the canvas context. It returns the width the given String would have, if it were displayed on the canvas; you can read more about that here.

I guess you could use this method to calculate the offsets needed for the different letters. Since measureText() already considers the font type you won’t have to worry about different char widths…

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