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Tag: browser

How to force browser to abort all XHR requests [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 10 months ago. Improve this question In my website I have a page which sends some XHR requests to

Problem viewing a div with a simple function

I have a problem I would say stupid with html and javascript, a simple function that should make me visible and invisible a div crashes the html making it empty! js: before: after: Answer You don’t have to write pre-defined methods. It works same for all other tech stacks such as Mysql, PHP, etc. Recommend using opens, not open if

How can I check if the browser supports iframe sandboxing?

I have some user-generated HTML and CSS. I think I should show the user sanitized HTML with no CSS or JS if the browser doesn’t support the sandbox property on iframes, which is what’s stopping JS from running and CSS from selecting part of my page. So how can I check if the sandbox attribute is supported? Answer I found

Javascript Function Defining Performance on Browsers

Is there any browser performance difference between defining javascript functions before and after DOM loaded? I usually define functions after DOM loaded like this and some people use this way Theory-1: They say Example-1 is slower than Example-2 because Example-1 waited DOM to load then started to define functions and then page became to work in full function. However, in
