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Tag: boolean

Filtering boolean and returning parent title

I need to chains.fitler(x=>x.inStock) bool statement then return the specific key, i also want to add conditions to return all if none are true. EX: key1, key5 | inStock:true return key1,key5 Answer Not 100% sure how you want the input and output to be but you should get a bit closer with this implementation:

Using maps over template literals

so I need to print a boolean value if the given string contains [[placeholder:var3]] but the var3 will be dynamically fed from an array as belwo: I tried using map around the template literals but it is throwing me an error also tried like above eg but it checks only first value of the array, so can someone please help

Boolean logic interpretation in google chrome console

I’m having difficulties figuring out why the code below doesn’t work as expected: I keep getting “TRUTHY” no matter what I do. I understand the logic of this code and even when running the source file from the class I’m not getting the expected output. I should get “FALSY” whenever the input is: 0, null, undefined, an empty string or

Check the element length to flag status boolean

I am assigning as default checked false in this return Object, see the code I have an exception, in case it is my first file dropped i want checked: true, I know that my first file dropped is when const filePosition = files.length returns 0, how can i apply this condition in my checked? Answer If I understand correctly, you
