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Tag: boolean

JS generate random boolean

Simple question, but I’m interested in the nuances here. I’m generating random booleans using the following method I came up with myself: Whenever random() shows up, it seems there’s always a pitfall – it’s not truly random, it’s compromised by something or other, etc. So, I’d like to know: a) Is the above the best-practice way to do it? b)

Using “Boolean” as the argument to .filter() in JavaScript

Recently I’ve learned that you can use the Boolean keyword to check whether a boolean value is false, e.g. this, where the arrayOfSheeps is simply an array of boolean values. As I’ve been unable to find anything about using ‘Boolean’ as a keyword, I was wondering if there are any other uses for the word, or even just any resources

How to initialize a boolean array in javascript

I am learning javascript and I want to initialize a boolean array in javascript. I tried doing this: But it doesn’t work. After googling I only found this way: But I find this a very difficult way just to initialize an array. Any one knows another way to do that? Answer You were getting an error with that code that

How to toggle a boolean?

Is there a really easy way to toggle a boolean value in javascript? So far, the best I’ve got outside of writing a custom function is the ternary: Answer This holds true in most languages.
