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Tag: angularjs

Get base url in AngularJS

I want to get the base path of my Angular app. Right now I’m doing this: $scope.baseUrl = ‘$ But I only get this: /localhost. My current baseURL is http://localhost:9000/. Answer Try this: $location.$$absUrl console.log(‘$location’,$location.$$absUrl); btw /localhost is your base path, but I guess you meant entire URL.

Angular making pseudo-synchronous HTTP requests

I want to construct a mechanism that would access a database via POST requests. So far, I do received the desired data, but am have issues with the timing. Here are three pieces of code that I’m using (simplified to keep the focus of the question). First, a factory handling the HTTP request vis-à-vis a servlet: Second, a general purpose

How to get a node by index in ag-grid?

AgGrid expects node(s) to be passed in to lot of it’s data functions. How do you get a node by index? Look at the snip below: I can pass the node parameter to refreshRows() function since I’m getting it through forEachNode(). How do you get a node by index without iterating through forEachNode() ? Answer You can use getVirtualRow() method

Generate PDF from HTML using pdfMake in Angularjs

I am trying to create a PDF from my HTML using pdfMake and Angular (I’ve also tried jsPDF and couldn’t get it to work either). I tried using the following code in my Angular controller: but I receive the following error: Unrecognized document structure: {“_margin”:null}”. My HTML consists of two simple tables in a div exportable. If anyone knows a

Time conversion Not working properly?

I am using the ionic time picker in my project. When I select the time picker it passes a value to the controller. For example when I select 09:00pm, the console shows 79200. If I select 07:00pm the console shows 68400. I want to convert the value to 12 hrs format. I have followed some steps, but it’s not working

angular popover with html

Which is the correct way to use popver-html directive? I’d like to show an image through HTML img tag into my popover angular-bootstrap. I’ve created a scope variable $scope.html = “<img src=””+$scope.mysrc+””></img>” and I’ve put it into my directive <span popover-html=”{{html}}” popover-title=”…….” popover-trigger=”mouseenter”><a href=”#”>{{title}}</a></span> but I’ve this error: Uncaught Error: [$parse:syntax] ERROR popover-html Any suggestions? Answer Here’s a plunk guiding
