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Tag: ionic-framework

Angular Data-Binding results in NaN

My problem is that the @Input() does not work properly for me. When I try to pass a value via data-binding it results in a NaN Error message. I appreciate any form of help. My “View”. Here I pass the data to my “NavButtonComponent”-class. Answer The answer was <app-nav-button page=”food-list”></app-nav-button>. Removing the [] was the solution. Thank you @cfprabhu !

How to pass data from child to parent?

I need to pass one variable, that is inside my child component, to parent page. This variable that I am trying to pass, is the array result of Barcode Scanner. And I need to pass it to parent to send to API. childComponent.ts parentComponent.ts Answer Here is an example stackblitz project to test parent-child data transfer, using @Input() and @Output()mechanism

override :host css in ionic framework

how can i override :host css } PS. this css is on ion-content I’d appreciate any help. Answer You don’t have to change the :host CSS to change the background of ion-content. You can add this to your CSS But if you really want to change :host CSS, then you can add this in your global CSS file.
