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How to work with identical, deeply nested data?

For example, has the following data: And for example an array with indexes leading to the required element(but can be any other): How can you work with an element having this data? For example, need to change “value” in the element at the specified path in “ids”. Answer You could take an array of indices and get the item of

reactjs context reducer increment data

How to increment the array value inside the object. I tried the code below but It’s removing the garments array and replacing it with shirts: Nan value Answer You’re trying to spread the properties of your garments array into your new booking object, however, as state doesn’t have a garments property you’ll be spreading undefined (which is a no-op). Moreover,

gatsby-image-background using v3 gatsby-image

I am trying to make gatsby-background-image work with v3 of gatsby-plugin-image. I have followed documentation and found I should be using gbimage-bridge. For some reason it doesn’t seem to work. My query works fine when testing in ide. I have tried to change my query and consts in all sorts of ways but can’t seem to make it work. Right

Chrome extension manifest v3 Content Security Policy

I am trying to load (inject) in page a javascript code. The javascript file is local to the extension. the filepath is ‘js/somefile.js’. My web accessible resources are: The error that I get is: Answer You can resolve the inline execution error by changing scriptTag.innerHTML = scriptText; to scriptTag.src = chrome.runtime.getURL(filePath);, no need to fetch the script. Manifest v3 seems

Get the hierarchy of a XML element with XPath

I am trying to get the ordered list of the hierarchy of a given element in a “application/xml” document that I parse using a DOM parser in Javascript. So the expression should return the list [‘Grand Parent’,’Parent’,’Target’] for each A tag that has no A children. So I will get a list of lists where the last element of
