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Redirect only on Flutter Web

I’m trying to set up an app that uses a WebView (flutter_webview on pub) on Android and redirects directly on web, as flutter_webview does not work on web. I looked into js on pub and dart:js but that does not work, as Android doesn’t allow dart:js or package:js to be imported at all. Any ideas? I’m using kIsWeb to detect

Import SASS variables into Material UI theme with NextJS

In my project I have the following files: materialTheme.ts palette.scss I want to de-duplicate these files. I thought I could import the variables from palette.scss into materialTheme.ts but Next.JS throws an error about only importing global CSS into _app.tsx materialTheme.ts (not working) Is there any way I can make NextJS ignore this error just for materialTheme.ts and correctly import the

Does Javascript return a different instance object?

If I use to replace each null element with an instance of object like this. Does this replace each element with the same referenced LinkedList() instance or different reference? Answer Usually a map function will pay attention to the existing value in the array it is being used to process so it has to be called for each item
