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Webkit Javascript Console – How to use it?

I’m working on a project and there is a ton of js, etc in it. I didn’t write it I’m “taking it over”. There is a piece of Javascript somewhere that is adding top: -50px margin to an element with the id of “footer”. When I look into the page source (through the developer tools) I can right click on

Checking if jquery is loaded using Javascript

I am attempting to check if my Jquery Library is loaded onto my HTML page. I am checking to see if it works, but something is not right. Here is what I have: Answer something is not right Well, you are using jQuery to check for the presence of jQuery. If jQuery isn’t loaded then $() won’t even run at

What is the difference between .map, .every, and .forEach?

I’ve always wondered what the difference between them were. They all seem to do the same thing… Answer The difference is in the return values. .map() returns a new Array of objects created by taking some action on the original item. .every() returns a boolean – true if every element in this array satisfies the provided testing function. An important

Detect version of JavaScript

How can I detect what version of JavaScript the browser supports (if any)? I want to check for ECMAScript 3 versus ECMAScript 5 versus ECMAScript 6. Note: I want to avoid the deprecated language tag. Answer I suppose it depends on what you want to do with the information, but many people prefer to do feature detection, instead of figuring

Warn user before leaving web page with unsaved changes

I have some pages with forms in my application. How can I secure the form in such a way that if someone navigates away or closes the browser tab, they should be prompted to to confirm they really want to leave the form with unsaved data? Answer Short, wrong answer: You can do this by handling the beforeunload event and

Detecting keydown/up events during HTML5 native drag

I’ve an element that can be dragged using native HTML5. It has dragstart, drag, and dragend event listeners assigned to it. In addition, I also have keydown and keyup event listeners assigned to document.body element. When dragging the draggable element, ondrag event will fire as expected. When I press & release any key while not dragging anything, document.body keydown/up events
