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Javascript: Finding the most middle value in an array [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn’t work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question Okay, so what I need to do

How to achieve realtime updates on my website (with Flask)?

I am using Flask and I want to show the user how many visits that he has on his website in realtime. Currently, I think a way is to, create an infinite loop which has some delay after every iteration and which makes an ajax request getting the current number of visits. I have also heard about node.js however I

best way to get folder and file list in Javascript

I’m using node-webkit, and am trying to have a user select a folder, and I’ll return the directory structure of that folder and recursively get its children. I’ve got this working fairly simply with …

Hide or remove a div class at mobile viewport?

First and foremost, I am very aware of CSS media queries. My problem is this: When you have div classes stacked in one div; Example: And you want to remove “class2” @media (max-width: 768px) Creating an output of: …once the 768px threshold has been reached. So far I have come up with nothing other than this non-functional code: I am

Recognize point(x,y) is inside svg path or outside

I have closed SVG path that is the province of the country. How to recognize point(x,y) is inside SVG path or outside by javascript? Answer Call document.elementFromPoint. If the position is in the path then it will return that element. If the path is not filled then you may need to adjust the pointer-events property so that it works properly.

capturing enter key in select2

I’m using select2 to present an editable selectbox. When user writes a statement which does not appear in the list(select2, data), I show a button to add this statement to the list. Forcing users to click the button seems to me a little bit frustration. Is it possible to capture enter key in select2? I want to make user able

Is any JavaScript code a valid TypeScript code?

Currently I’ve started to learn TypeScript. From the documents I’ve studied for TypeScript, I saw some samples that pure JavaScript code could be compiled as TypeScript code. My question is: Is TypeScript language designed in a way that any JavaScript code will be a valid TypeScript code? i.e. is any .js file a valid .ts file? Answer Let’s assume valid
