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Trigger CSS Animations in JavaScript

I don’t know how to use JQuery, so I need a method which could trigger an animation using JavaScript only. I need to call/trigger CSS Animation when the user scrolls the page. Answer The simplest method to trigger CSS animations is by adding or removing a class – how to do this with pure Javascript you can read here: How

(change) vs (ngModelChange) in angular

Angular 1 does not accept onchange() event, it’s only accepts ng-change() event. Angular 2, on the other hand, accepts both (change) and (ngModelChange) events, which both seems to be doing the same thing. What’s the difference? which one is best for performance? ngModelChange: vs change: Answer (change) event bound to classical input change event. You can use (change) event

Saving canvas to JSON and loading JSON to canvas

I want to make it so that when I press the save button, file explorer opens and opts me to choose location to save the JSON file of the canvas. I also want to be able to load the canvas with the JSON file via the load button. How can I get started with this? Any help is appreciated. Answer

VueJs dynamic v-on event possible?

Is it possible to set dynamic on event in VueJS? I try to build a dynamic form as component with inputs that can listen on everything. Here an example: Is it possible to set a dynamic v-on event like v-on=”<variable>:<function>”? Answer From Vue 2.4.0+, v-on accepts an object syntax Refer this documentation

Vue making a variable available in all components

I am currently reading out a language setting from the dom and setting it as a global Vue.js variable like this: It works fine but I have also seen this as an example from a Vue.js event bus: What is the real difference between these two and is there possible a more preferred way of doing this? Answer Object.defineProperties is

Why Bootstrap 3 Collapse is not synchronized with checkbox state on double click?

According to this question: “Twitter Bootstrap 3 collapse when checkbox checked” i’ve tried this solution, because it is simple and clean. But with this “solution” you have a problem. If you click the checkbox too fast, the area is collapsed but the checkbox is checked. How can i prevent this double clicking problem? I am using: Bootstrap 3 jQuery

Reverse an integer in JavaScript

I have written the following code to reverse an integer in JavaScript. It works fine but returns a 0 when given an input of -900000. Does anyone know what could be wrong? Answer You don’t need to slice off the – sign from negative numbers, you’ve already taken the absolute value as x. Drop that loop that moves digits around
