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How to get form values from multiple child components?

I have a large HTML Form and it has multiple fields in multiple components. All these components are in a Parent Component. How Can I submit a form and getting values from all child components? Answer you can pass a handler function in the subcomponents(child components) that gets triggered when anything changes and updates the state in the parent component

bind two events on click jquery

I want to create a simple user interaction with a single button to start and stop recording audio,like whatsapp. I’ve looked on stackoverflow to understand if I was wrong, as I know it’s not possible to bind on the same element two click events, so I’ve decided to test the code on codepen but it will not produce the expected

dynamically render vue template

I have vue template data as string. For example, String s = “<div>{{myData}}</div>” And now I want to render in my already defined vue component. Now I want the output as IRONMAN How can i achieve this? Pleas help. Thanks Answer You can have a single file component and do this – I have one called Dynamic.vue which accepts a
